BoardSite Board Portal

A user-friendly board portal to build engagement and ease board communication.

We built BoardSite to be accessible for boards of all sizes and to keep things simple. Our pricing is as easy as it can be. You only pay by the number of users you have. Board members, staff, committee members — anyone that needs to login, are all examples of users.


Every BoardSite organization gets access to our full feature set. If you prepay annually you can get our best rate. Otherwise, our very budget friendly monthly rate is an option for you.


Paid monthly is $6/month per user: 10 users would be $60/month. If you choose to prepay yearly, it’s $60/year per user: 10 users would be $600/year (savings of $120 versus paying monthly).


Here is a quick overview of the BoardSite board portal and how it can benefit your organization:



Other features we include are:

We would be happy to schedule a live demo or provide access to a demo account for you to take a look around on your own time. If you  would like to start a conversation, or if you have any questions, please complete this form and we’ll be in touch!

Empower your Board Now!

Get your Board on the same page with BoardSite for your organization today.